“I do a lot of yoga. I practice yoga three or four times a week. It’s an escape for me.”
“Over Christmas, I had a break, and I didn’t go to the gym once, but I was in better shape than I am now, because for the first week, I was snowboarding every single day. I went skating, I went in my friend’s pool, and I did everything you can possibly think of that was wintery and sporty, but I didn’t feel like I was working out even once. I was just having fun.”
“People who are confident, happy, enthusiastic, vivacious and vibrant are the ones other people are generally attracted to. You’re drawn to those kinds of people—you’re not drawn to the person in the corner of the room counting calories with her shoulders slumped over.”
“I’ve reached a point where I’m comfortable in my own skin, and I do what I need to do, to feel good, but I’m built the way I am. The dancer’s feet, the bruises on my legs, they’re not going to go away. I think real girls have bruises. Tough chicks get bruised. They get dirty. And they have fun. It’s just a part of life!”
“I don’t really wear stringy bikinis much. I wear a lot of thicker, sportier stuff, because I’ll play volleyball on the beach and go surfing and swimming. I’m not the lounge-in-a-chair-in-next-to-nothing-for-tan-lines kind of girl.”
“I could be a yoga instructor. I’m not certified, but I could do it. Once I did a class where the instructor didn’t show up, and I just went to the front and did it, and everyone followed. So I’ve done it before, and I love it.”