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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1066 The Battle Of Hastings

1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings 1066
  • The Battle of Hastings 1066

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 24, 12:11 PM
    IMO, mainstream religion hasn't been about fear since the Middle/ Dark Ages.

    Power and control? Sure, depending on your view of religion.

    Fear of death. That's why religion was invented and why it will always exist.

    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. Reverse of 1066 - 1966 Battle
  • Reverse of 1066 - 1966 Battle

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 25, 11:11 AM
    As marriage is licensed by the state, it is in fact a privilege. The fact that it is near-universally granted doesn't make it any more a right.

    Is voting also a privilege? Marriage is most definitely a right. Hence the reason why the supreme court will soon find it unconstitutional to deny is to same sex couples, just as they did in 1967 with interracial marriage. Loving v. Virgina, white man wanted to marry a black woman, didn't work out well for him at first because of the "racial integrity act" of 1924. The RIA of 1924= Defense of marriage act today. It will be struck down as a violation of civil RIGHTS.

    I am a firm believer in that you are entitled to your own opinion, as long as you dont force your opinion on others.

    So someone doesnt like the idea of gay relationships, attacking him for this isnt going to change his opinion. And just makes you a cretin.

    When someone's opinion is a direct attack on your civil rights, then they should be attacked.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. at the Battle of Hastings
  • at the Battle of Hastings

  • larrybeo
    Mar 18, 09:43 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. the battle of Hastings and
  • the battle of Hastings and

  • chabig
    Sep 20, 08:00 AM
    I know of at least one company (http://www.itv.com/) in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.
    Pay attention. That's NOT the name. That's just what we're calling it today.

    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. 1066: The Battle for Middle
  • 1066: The Battle for Middle

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 25, 11:46 PM
    The Catholic Church recognizes that people don't choose to be homosexual, however it does recognize that acting on those urges is entirely their choice. Chastity is what they are called to.

    That is only if they choose to be Catholic (or other manmade religion with such beliefs). Otherwise, they aren't called to chastity.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings in 1066
  • The Battle of Hastings in 1066

  • latergator116
    Mar 20, 06:41 PM
    Oh, for crying out loud. Breaking the law is breaking the law, and breaking the law is wrong. If the law is wrong in your opinion, change the law.

    Hey, good point. Even it is totally unfair and unjust, it's still wrong because breaking the law is wrong. :rolleyes:


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. of The Battle of Hastings
  • of The Battle of Hastings

  • Hellhammer
    Mar 13, 02:18 PM
    How do you proponents of nuclear power discount the very real risks it poses to mankind itself?

    I rather take the risks than go back to stone age.

    Decades ago more research and money should of been thrown at alternative energy's. Innovations from that could of put us more safely further ahead.

    There is a better way, timely and costly to find them and that takes away from the profits the already rich make from the 'nuclear industry', while they continue to brainwash the citizens of the world how safe it is .... "snap out of it I say"....

    That is just speculation. How do you know, for sure, that there is something better? So far every option has its tradeoffs. Although I'm with you that there must be other sources of energy, it's not that simple to find them. Fossil fuels are running out so something must be used in order to keep up with the growing demand of energy. Even if you discover a new source of energy, it will require years, even decades, of testing before it is safe to use it in massive quantities.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings 1066 -
  • The Battle of Hastings 1066 -

  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 11:49 AM
    AT&T can do whatever they want to.

    The tethering charge is out there right now because of the unlimited data option. It's there to screw with the status quo.

    Verizon is getting rid of their unlimited, as AT&T already did.

    A fair system would be $5/GB, tethering permitted. Pay for what you eat.

    But then, a competitor would come out with an unlimited option to try to attract customers; and eventually be in the same boat.

    Basically it comes down to "pay for what you eat" or "fixed rate with limitations." There really isn't another viable option that I see.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. 1066 and the epic attle of
  • 1066 and the epic attle of

  • darkplanets
    Mar 12, 02:14 PM
    While I am not a nuclear engineer, I do have a fair amount of knowledge in the area, so with that in mind I can personally say that this will NOT become another Chernobyl situation. Again though as a disclaimer, this is not my career.

    With that said, the BWR should be fine. What we saw earlier was the steam blowing apart the structure-- this just means that they didn't do their job in relieving the pressure. The core should be intact, and the reports state that the housing is still in place. When the control rods are inserted into the core, the rods will not melt down, however heat WILL still be produced. In this case, steam. Steam voids moderate fewer neutrons, causing the power level inside the reactor to lower. Furthermore, there should be safety overpressure valves... not sure why these didn't work; they may not be there due to the age of the plant.

    To quote wikipedia about BWR safety:
    Because of this effect in BWRs, operating components and safety systems are designed to ensure that no credible scenario can cause a pressure and power increase that exceeds the systems' capability to quickly shutdown the reactor before damage to the fuel or to components containing the reactor coolant can occur. In the limiting case of an ATWS (Anticipated Transient Without Scram) derangement, high neutron power levels (~ 200%) can occur for less than a second, after which actuation of SRVs will cause the pressure to rapidly drop off. Neutronic power will fall to far below nominal power (the range of 30% with the cessation of circulation, and thus, void clearance) even before ARI or SLCS actuation occurs. Thermal power will be barely affected.

    In the event of a contingency that disables all of the safety systems, each reactor is surrounded by a containment building consisting of 1.2–2.4 m (4–8 ft) of steel-reinforced, pre-stressed concrete designed to seal off the reactor from the environment.

    Again; BWR =/= graphite moderated reactor. Why does no one get this?! Everyone will be fine.

    Two more bones of contention (which will give you my perspective):

    -I personally believe the linear no threshold model is crap, even with the adjustment factor

    -I also personally advocate the use of thorium... there's many benefits, melt-down control being one of them (because of MSR)... also although there's still fabrication issues, thorium can be used in existing LWRs. There is also proposed designs where the thorium has to actively be fed into the core, providing a great shutoff mechanism. The only con to this is the fact that thorium is more radioactive than uranium, so it's potentially more dangerous. I think the pros outweigh the cons.

    Do you have a link for this? I'd like to read about it. I would think a system setup to automatically scram when power is lost would be the ideal.

    Sure! It's really rather cool. (No pun intended)

    For starters here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_Water_Reactor_Safety_Systems) is the current safety systems that are supposed to be in all BWR, however since this one is from the 80's, it's really hit or miss-- I can't answer that.

    New reactor designs have these systems in place-- for example the Westinghouse AP 1000's. (here (http://www.ap1000.westinghousenuclear.com/ap1000_safety_psrs.html))

    A general link about passive safety here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_nuclear_safety).

    Basically though, the idea is that human intervention, mechanical or otherwise, is always the weak point in nuclear safety. Instead of relying upon mechanical or man-controlled means, these safety measures employ the laws of physics and thermodynamics, which I hope are always working :D. Many of these systems rely on heat sensitive plugs connected to tanks to flood the chamber or coolant systems via gravity.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings, 1066.
  • The Battle of Hastings, 1066.

  • sisyphus
    Sep 20, 11:01 PM
    First things first, I presume that the HD is there to put a great deal of stuff easily in reach. When SJ did the demo, the unit had all the album art/DVD covers on there as well as a synopsis etc... That could all be easily stored on the "iTV" reducing the need to access it all the time.

    Obviously it will also act as a temporary cache for downloaded movies/online trailers. I suspect the biggest use of the HD will be the ability to buy/rent movies directly from the unit.

    A bit of a "far out" idea is maybe to use the unit as a pseudo PVR in the future. If you were to say, pay $5 to watch the "insert big sporting event final here" online. You could pause it and use the HD to store data while you had to go use the facilities because you really shouldn't have finished off that Super Big Gulp before the game even started.

    An even better use would be a rental download that would stay on the iTV for a week prior to being "blipped".

    Apple doesn't want a PVR they want better than PVR. Instant demand to anything! However Apple isn't big enough for that. Instead all of the media companies will do it for them. Why? Greed, pure and simple greed. The thought of making money for no additional work is too lucrative for them. Why bother punchine out DVDs when you can send the master to Apple. Let them encode it and handle all the distribution problems. Look as Disney. They made $1,000,000 in one week for doing NOTHING. Why do you thing WalMart is scared (when was the last time you heard that?) Walmart succeeds because they force the best price from manufacturers. Someone has figured out the ultimate price reduction on the product - no physical media period! There is no way to undercut that.

    Studios aren't dumb either. This is actually a way for them to increase profits! As the price of purchase goes down, more people will buy. However they were able to reduce the price without reducing profits! (This is my assumption that the profit on each download is = to the DVD profit). Now guess what. The studio can actually increase their profits. Lets say for the real movie buffs they could release a $2 "Extras" download that would contain most the of stuff on DVDs that most people never actually watch. The hard core people would jump on it. The average people would just be happy with their basic movie.

    The next step is HD. Who is really going to care about HD-DVD vs. Blue-Ray if you could just download it in HD and store it on your umm... HD. :D Apple's near term goal is to replace your DVD player. However the longer term goal is to make the Mac your entire content delivery system.

    That being said in the near term the iTV is perfect for me IF Apple allows movie rentals. I think the reason that they didn't debut the movie rentals is the lack of a shipping iTV. I can just hear SJ at MWSF saying that the "most demanded feature for the movie downloads and iTV is rentals." Unfortunately living in Canada means I'll be waiting until it they are playing ice hockey in hell for this service to make it north.

    At home we have several TVs. If each TV were to (eventually) have an iTV it would mean access to all my media anywhere in the house. Should somebody like Elgato or TiVo be really smart and find an extremely simple way of meshing their products with the iTV I could access all of my data from anywhere in the house anytime. I'm just waiting to see where all of the pieces will be by January. I suspect they'll be far more cohesive than most people here expect.

    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. 1066, the date of the Battle
  • 1066, the date of the Battle

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 04:53 AM


    Agh, you're too quick for me and quoted me before I edited my post. I was thinking exactly that scene but was confusing helium instead of hydrogen.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Common sense would tell you the reactor itself didn't explode some 4 hours ago.

    I never said the reactor exploded. I suggested we were in the process of witnessing a full on meltdown. I'm not wrong yet, although I hope I am.

    Edit - BBC journalist now saying live on TV that they've been stopped 60km from the nuclear plant, so that official 10-20km radius is just more of making it seem not as bad as they know it really is.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. After the Battle of Hastings,
  • After the Battle of Hastings,

  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 14, 08:32 PM
    Should they have a full-on meltdown, yes there will be fallout detected around the globe - but I doubt the levels will be high enough to cause concern after thousands of miles to disperse.

    As for the divine wind bit... To be fair, we did irradiate them first...


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. attle of hastings 1066 bbc
  • attle of hastings 1066 bbc

  • ddtlm
    Oct 10, 03:50 PM

    (Don't be offended if I repeat myself a few times, I want to make sure everyone gets it. Not trying to say anything about you in particular.)

    Anyway, you missed my point. I know very well that the G4 is at a hardware disadvantage. I pretty much said that when you see a G4 being beat by margins greater than 4x or 5x, then you can be pretty sure there is ALSO, note ALSO, a software disadvantage. Hopefully everyone will see what I meant that time. :)

    I'm glad to see that many people here agree that the G4 isn't really a faster chip than the x86 competition, but I want to see moderation and understanding of the "benchmarks" that have popped up showing an unbelievably bad situation for the G4.

    Remember folks, if the test shows a G4 slower than a P4 per clock cycle then the test probably is handing the software advantage to the P4. Note, for perfect clarity, that I said per clock cycle performance and not overall performance.

    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. After the Battle of Hastings
  • After the Battle of Hastings

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 12:33 PM
    I'm going to tether til they change my plan, and when they do, cancel with no ETF, and use the money I would have spent paying the ETF on clear spot 4g+.
    Really? There's an active lawsuit against Clear for throttling the speed of the high-bandwidth users on some of Clear's unlimited plans. Oh, and their CEO just quit. Switch with confidence!

    I smell a lawsuit against AT&T coming along!

    T-Mobile and Verizon have both (in previous years) goine after people tethering on plans that don't include tethering. No lawsuits.

    Here's what happens: the carrier cracks down, the blogosphere publicizes that the carriers are doing it, forums have threads like this, and after a few weeks, the commotion dies down and people pick the appropriate data plans.

    The weird thing was that with unauthorized tethering on T-Mobile and Verizon, how to do it wasn't really mainstream info. Some folks figured it out, and they'd post on forums like howardforum, but it's nothing like how info about MyWi/iPhone is pretty much virtually everywhere nowadays.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings 1066
  • The Battle of Hastings 1066

  • THX1139
    Jul 12, 04:50 PM
    we are not saying conroe is crap it just is not suitable for a mac pro.

    This thread is getting too funny. Apple has been so far behind on power these past few years and now we get the chance to use Conroe, and suddenly that's not good enough for the Mac snobs. Conroe is an extremely fast chip (especially compared to G5), so I don't get why some people think it's a bad choice for the pro-line up. Sure, it can't do smp, but not everyone needs or want to pay for quad processing.

    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. On October 14th, 1066, the
  • On October 14th, 1066, the

  • manman
    Mar 18, 11:57 AM
    As far as I'm concerned it is the same as going to an all you can eat restaurant and sharing your food between two people, while only paying for one. It isn't a serious crime, but it is stealing, and you know that if you get caught you will have to stop. I'm not going to feel bad for these people that are using 5+GB per month.

    I don't think it's really like this in practice, because 99% of the time people are probably using one device or the other, they aren't surfing around and watching videos etc on the iPad and iPhone at the same time for example. They COULD do it, so I guess the analogy works, I just don't think there's a lot to worry about there.

    I agree that if this is explicitly laid out in the contract we signed, we can't really get mad. I do think it's retarded though- with normal Internet service, you pay a single fee and connect any device you want... computers, phones, game consoles... buying service from a phone carrier should ve the same. Because in most cases it really DOES amount to paying for the same data twice. You'd have to have multiple people using each device simultaneously to really get your moneys worth : /


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings 1066
  • The Battle of Hastings 1066

  • pbh444
    Apr 10, 09:04 AM
    "MCV reports that Apple has poached two major public relations executives from Nintendo (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43885/Rob-Saunders-heading-to-Apple) and Activision (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43894/Now-Activisions-Nick-Grange-joins-Apple), respectively."

    Hoo hah...

    This would be a much more important development if Apple had poached head game developers from Nintendo and Activision and not just PR people.

    PR people deal with spin and without the quality developers create, spin doesn't mean a thing.

    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. Hastings Image from the Bayeux
  • Hastings Image from the Bayeux

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 11:39 AM
    Why do they have to charge for tethering? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I tether a lot, I will use more than 2 gigs in a month. Charge me extra at that point. At least they now give you 2 Gig extra for your tethering money. I would just prefer to not pay for that extra 2 gig until I need it. I only need to tether once a month at best, so I don't want to pay for a bunch of tethering. I also don't want to leave my unlimited plan. Sadly, I have never gone over 2 GB, but I like knowing that I don't have to worry about it.
    Because it get's you off the unlimited GF plan then.

    If you go Data pro you must decline the unlimited GF ( the way i understand it)

    You see there is a reason for this two fold

    At&t hates unlimited Iphone users, they do

    if you have the 2gb plan and you go over you get 1gb more = 25 plus $10 = 35 and then go over to 3.1gb = 25 + 10 +10 = $45
    5gb would be $55. so they loose $25 a month from every unlimited who tethers up to 5gb

    20gb? would cost $205 a month right?

    The person who used 90gb a month? $25 plus $880 or $1005 in usage ( profit loss) to At&t

    You all yell contract contract, At&t yells profits profits profits.

    even if you pay for tethering and use 3.9gb a month
    its 45 vs 30 a month, do 15 x 50,000 theoretically thats a loss of 750,000 a month profit for At&t or 9,000,000 USD a year, I think capturing this would make my boss happy wouldn't it?


    1066 The Battle Of Hastings. The Battle of Hastings was a
  • The Battle of Hastings was a

  • Tulse
    Mar 20, 08:54 PM
    it might be morally okay to use songs in your wedding video, but it's not morally okay to break the law in order to put them there when you have legal means of either doing so (which is the case--buy the CD)As I understand it, the issue of using music in your wedding video has nothing to do with breaking DRM, but instead with violating copyright. Even you get the music off of a CD, it would still be illegal.


    Sep 20, 08:36 AM
    It looks like a Mini and and i can do exactly the same with the current Mini. Hook up a Mini to a TV and add it to a home network, let it be cabled or wireless. With the frontrow software you can now listen and watch all the content from the other computers in the network with iTunes streaming.

    The only differences between a Mini and iTV are the connections on the back, better wireless speed and no DVD. Its pure the price and software that makes it a media device and not a computer.

    I can do what an iPod does with my Powerbook too. Doesn't mean I want to use that to play music when I'm walking around.

    Likewise, I want a computer at close distance hooked up to a computer monitor, it's less than ideal sat under my TV displaying on a relatively low res screen with a keyboard and mouse teetering on my lap. I know Apple think this too.

    With the iTV as I see it you get to have that Mini being a real computer somewhere else in your house.

    That said, I could be wrong and it could be a really cut down Mac Mini. I guess we'll see.

    Mar 20, 06:19 AM
    It is not the law that made iTunes music incompatible with other MP3 players, it's the file format and DRM design. Further, Apple has done nothing illegal in its choices and implementation. There is therefore no legitimate reason to break the law--your rights are what you agreed to when purchasing the music and nothing more.
    By that logic, women would still not be able to vote. Look at other societies that do not allow people to protest "unjust" laws. Compare where they stand to where we stand. I am simply trying to take us further still down the road of freedom for all humans. Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans is a Bad Thing�. DRM, by definition, falls into this category.

    DRM does not, in theory, infringe on your license rights.
    Again, I am bound by these laws but I do not need to AGREE with them. Do you agree with them? [That is a direct question btw.]

    Your freedom of choice comes with certain sacrifices
    All actions (free or not free) require sacrifices. So what is your point?

    and restrictions, none of which have been imposed on you illegally or prohibit you from legal use of the product. The only reason to break the law here is for the purpose of breaking the law, not for any delusions of your rights to do as you wish with music.
    Option A (Legal Participation): Buy the music and abide by the laws
    Option B (Legal Non-Participation): Don't buy the music and not be subject to any laws
    Option C (Something Different): Think for yourself and live life according to your own laws

    I will take C cuz it allows for both A & B while reserving my ability to think for myself. Even if I end up the same place as you, the journey I took to get there will make all the difference.


    The Beatles
    Apr 9, 01:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Gaming on idevices is for nubes. Live on PS3, Xbox and the future NGP.

    Totally agree. The other day I was in the queue at the grocery store and some dude was playing some noob game on his iOS phone... I was like "dude, you should be playing that on a PS3" and he was all "yeah but where would I plug it in and set-up the TV?" and I was like "just use the NGP" and he said "Great, where can I buy that?"

    What a d**k he was.

    He took your advice and said "great" in agreement and you call him a d**k? Sounds like your projecting? Maybe we didn't get the whole story?

    Mar 13, 03:57 PM
    That's fine for soaking up occasional peak demand (I linked to 'vehicle to grid' techology a few posts back), but not providing energy for a full night... unless you have a link that says otherwise?

    Well here is a solution to your "problem" at least.


    The biggest limiting factor is cost, but when you factor in the cost of the environmental impact, it becomes cheap in comparison.


    Mar 26, 08:10 AM
    Are you serious? That's a horrible thing to say. They should deprive themselves of sex because your 2000 year old book says so? That's crap. God made them born that way, for what? Just to torture them for their whole lives?

    I'm not condoning the belief but priests are expected to do it, so why not gay people? Logically I imagine from a Catholic perspective it makes sense. My sister and brother in law both being Catholic gives me a bit of an insight into this topic and both are rather progressive.
